Introduction #

Following my Red Hat Satellite 6 concept suggestion blog post, I thought it made sense to share my highly customized Kickstart to use with Red Hat Satellite 6.

In a later blog post, I’ll further share how I make use of Template Sync in Satellite. A functionality, that allows importing the templates and also automatically assigning them to defined Operating Systems.

:warning: Before you dig into this: Please read the following paragraph carefully.

While it is absolutely possible to customize Kickstarts using Satellite, the degree of flexibility comes with a trade-off: maintenance. Please understand that in almost all cases the provided Kickstarts by Red Hat fulfill perfectly the need of almost all use cases. When using highly customized Kickstarts you need to keep up with changes in the Satellite and you need to keep up with the changes to Kickstart and RHEL. This means, every time a new update of the Satellite is released or a new major version1 of RHEL is released, you need to carefully read the change log of the new Satellite version and check whether things you use (e.g. Satellite-Specific Macros) have changed, have been deprecated or have been removed. The same for RHEL.

Further, you have to verify with each new Satellite release - and preferably RHEL release, that your Host Provisioning works exactly as you have designed it.

This adds additional maintenance overhead that has to be done with at least every Satellite and RHEL major release!

Please evaluate carefully whether the already provided Kickstarts fulfill your needs and if not, whether the things you’d like to change can be changed after provisioning a system using automation (e.g. Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt, etc.).

Usually, the things you cannot change with ease after deploying hosts (such as partition tables), can easily be customized in Satellite without the need to completely customize the Kickstarts. Partition tables, for instance, can easily be provided to Satellite using the Partition Tables object.

Back to topic .. :grin:

A few years back when I didn’t fully understand the complete process of Kickstart in Satellite, I made an exercise and completely customized all the Kickstarts to my customer’s needs. That meant, removing everything that is not used actively and further to introduce a better logging mechanism and error handling. Since then, I have further optimized and updated the Kickstart to be fully compatible with my use case.

Speaking of error handling: To be perfectly honest, I don’t know if that has changed in the meanwhile, but back then (with Kickstart on RHEL 8 and using Satellite at least up to Satellite 6.9), whenever a command failed in the %post section of the Kickstart, the Kickstart would continue to run. If you did not verify the provided host thoroughly after deployment, you’d end up with an incompletely provisioned host.

Since RHEL 7, Kickstart supports error handling to some degree. This error handling, however, concerns serious errors such as a failure in the Storage Selection. It does not cover, however, issues that happen due to failing commands in the %post section.

Let me provide you with an example: Say we want to install a custom monitoring agent (e.g. Zabbix) during Kickstart using the following command:

dnf install zabbix-agent -y

The monitoring agent might be a necessity for your deployment and you want to make sure that it is installed. Well, if the package zabbix-agent isn’t available, because you might forgot to enable the repository within the Activation Key or you forgot to add the Content View that provides Zabbix, the Kickstart will continue to run like nothing happened. It will show as a successful build within Satellite. Obviously, the build was not successful - at least not entirely, as a step failed. I’d consider this a failed build.

You might argue that if you set up your services2 properly, this shouldn’t happen. While you are correct, mistakes happen. For everybody.

Even if everything was set up correctly, what about a temporary network issue between your host and the responsible Capsule only at the moment when you try to install the Zabbix agent? You will never notice it and you’d think the deployment was successful.

As you see, while customizing Kickstarts can provide you with some benefits, it comes with the trade-off of maintenance. If you are not comfortable in writing and troubleshooting Kickstarts and troubleshooting the Host Provisioning in Satellite - or don’t have the time to - you might consider stopping right here and now.

If you’d like to learn more about the way I Kickstart my systems to build from that your very own customized way of Kickstarting your systems, or if you are just curious: Perfect, keep on reading. :grin:

Overview #

:information_source: If you are not familiar with Kickstart, please read up on that first. This is not an introduction to Kickstart and I assume a good understanding of Kickstart throughout this blog post.

To get started with Kickstart in Satellite, we first need to take a look at how Satellite handles Kickstarts.

A Kickstart file in Satellite is rendered before transmitting it to the host that requested it. But what Satellite makes awesome for using with Kickstart is the high degree of flexibility you get when using it. The reason being: metadata. If you followed my earlier blog post, you know we defined a lot of different objects. Each of those objects provide a small piece of information about a system.

We can use these information pieces - or like I call them, metadata - to stitch together a highly customized Kickstart that perfectly fits for the system we are about to deploy.

Before we dig deeper into Kickstart, we first need to understand how Satellite makes use of Templates and how we can leverage that functionality.

Satellite provides the following Template types:

Template Type Description
Partition Tables This template type provides the possibility to, surprise, surprise, create partition templates for our hosts
Job Templates We can use Job Templates to run Jobs within Satellite
Provisioning Templates These are the templates we can use for Kickstarting systems
Report Templates Report templates can be used to create, who have guessed that, reports

Our focus will be on Partition Tables and Provisioning Templates. Provisioning Templates are further separated into several Provisioning Template Types:

Provisioning Template Types
Kernel Execution (kexec)

As you see, there a lot of different Provisioning Templates available. In this blog post I’ll focus on the following two:

  • PXELinux
  • Provision

We’ll use the PXELinux template to render the parameters that are transmitted to a server that will boot into the Preboot Execution Environment (PXE). And the Provision template is where all the magic will happen. This will define the Kickstart in its entirety.

There is one ‘Template type’ we haven’t talked about. Snippets. Snippets are small portions of code that can be reused multiple times throughout the Templates.

A Snippet might look something like this:

os_major = @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i
os_minor = @host.operatingsystem.minor.to_i

<% if ((os_minor < 5) && (os_major > 7)) -%>
<%# do something #%>
<% end -%>

As you might have guessed, the Templates (and Snippets) in Satellite are written in Ruby, Embedded Ruby (ERB), specifically. Usually. I say usually, because the %post section of the Provisioning Template can be anything, really. That all depends on the options passed to the %post section. The %post section accepts an --interpreter= argument. With that, we can make use of BASH (the default) or make use of Python, etc. as our interpreter. The great thing about this is that we can still make use of ERB in the %post section. That is because Satellite renders the template before transmitting it to the client. So ERB code is evaluated before passing it to the client.

With that we can still use for instance @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i in any section of the Kickstart as it will be rendered by Satellite before the client actually uses it.

Diving Deeper #

Now that we have set a baseline, let’s dive into my Kickstart templates. You can find them in my GitHub repository.

:warning: The Kickstarts are built around my use case. Please don’t use them as is. Evaluate them and check if they work for your use case.

Looking at the repository contents, we have the following files available:


As you can see, I have implemented a basic name concept:

Prefix Meaning
pt- Partition Table
pvt- Provision Template
snt- Snippet

And I make heavy use of Snippets to make the Provision Template a little smaller and easier to read through.

Partition Table #

Let’s look first at the Partition Table:

kind: ptable
name: pt-standard_bios
model: Ptable
- RedHat 7
- RHEL 7
- RedHat 8
- RHEL 8
- RedHat 9
- RHEL 9

- loc-core

- org-core

author: Steffen Scheib (

custom snippets:


22.05.2023 - Steffen Scheib:
- Renamed encrypt_system host parameter to p-encrypt_system

04.09.2021 - Steffen Scheib:
- Initial version

# Define some variables
   os_major = @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i
   fs_type = 'xfs'
   vg_name = 'system'

if [ -e /dev/sda ]; then
elif [ -e /dev/vda ]; then

cat <<EOF > /tmp/diskpart.cfg
  # Partition clearing information
  bootloader --location=mbr --append="splash=quiet"
  clearpart --all --initlabel --drives="${dev_device}" --disklabel=gpt
  # as we have gpt, we need a separate biosboot partition
  part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1

cat <<EOF >> /tmp/diskpart.cfg
  # Disk partitioning information with <%= fs_type %>
  part /boot --fstype=<%= fs_type %> --size=4096

  # encrypt only systems with the host parameter p-encrypt_system set
  <% if host_param('p-encrypt_system') %>
    # create an encrypted physical volume
    part pv.0 --grow --ondisk="${dev_device}" --encrypted --passphrase=<%= host_param('crypted_system_initial_passphrase') %>
  <% else %>
    part pv.0 --grow --ondisk="${dev_device}"
  <% end -%>

  volgroup vg_<%= vg_name %> pv.0

  logvol /              --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_root          --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=10240
  logvol /var/log/audit --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_var_log_audit --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=2048   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid,noexec"
  logvol /var/log       --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_var_log       --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=5120   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid,noexec"
  logvol /var/tmp       --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_var_tmp       --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=2048   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid"
  logvol /usr           --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_usr           --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=8192   --fsoptions="nodev"
  logvol /usr/local     --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_usr_local     --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=1024   --fsoptions="nodev"
  logvol /openscap      --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_openscap      --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=512    --fsoptions="nodev,noexec"
  logvol /home          --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_home          --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=1024   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid"
  logvol /tmp           --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_tmp           --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=5120   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid,noexec"
  logvol /var           --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_var           --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=8192   --fsoptions="nodev,nosuid"
  logvol /opt           --fstype <%= fs_type %> --name=lv_opt           --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=4096   --fsoptions="nodev"
  logvol swap           --fstype swap           --name=lv_swap          --vgname=vg_<%= vg_name %> --size=4096

The Partition Table itself is pretty straight forward, but I’d like to point out two things.

First, I start every template with a comment block of ERB (<%# #%>) which contains metadata for Satellite’s TemplateSync (more on that in a later blog post).

Secondly, the next comment block is not used by Satellite, but rather by myself to quickly look up what I changed when. I know, this is rather an old-school technique, but for me it works to keep track of what I have changed when and why. Yes, the same is present as well in git log, but I find it quite handy to have such things in each template as well.

Provision Template #

My Provision Templates and Snippets contain further a section with Supported host parameters3. These list the parameters of each Template and Snippet that can be overridden/set to customize the behavior of them. The exception is pvt-provisioning. Within this template all available parameters for the Provision Template are included - including those that are actually included through Snippets during provisioning. This way you have one place to look up which parameters are supported. Of course this is a manual effort, and thus the documentation inside those templates is only helpful when you keep it up-to-date. I also include a section with Snippets and Custom snippets. These are self explanatory.

Below you’ll find an excerpt of the Provision Template’s header which lists the supported parameters:

author: Steffen Scheib (

This kickstart provisioning template is the "base" template and contains all required key arguments for the kickstart installation.

custom snippets:
- snt-post_provisioning_init
- snt-subscription_manager_registration
- snt-configure_time_synchronization
- snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys
- snt-enable_epel
- snt-networking_setup_post_installation
- snt-luks_encryption


supported host parameters:
> host parameter name                    | type      | snippet/template name                        | description                                     <
> lang                                   | string    | pvt-provision                                | Language to set for the operating system
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'en_US.UTF-8'
> keyboard                               | string    | pvt-provision                                | Keyboard layout to use for the operating system
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'de'
> selinux                                | string    | pvt-provision                                | Mode of SELinux to set for the operating system
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'enforcing'
> time-zone                              | string    | pvt-provision                                | Timezone the operating system should be set to
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'UTC'
> p-encrypt_system                       | boolean   | pvt-provision                                | Whether to encrypt the system with luks
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> p-ks_debug                             | boolean   | snt-post_provisioning_init                   | If true, the %post section will enable set -x for
*                                        |           |                                              | BASH
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: false
> syspurpose_role                        | string    | snt-subscription_manager_registration        | If set, sets the syspurpose role within
*                                        |           |                                              | subscription-manager
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> syspurpose_usage                       | string    | snt-subscription_manager_registration        | If set, sets the syspurpose usage within
*                                        |           |                                              | subscription-manager
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> syspurpose_sla                         | string    | snt-subscription_manager_registration        | If set, sets the syspurpose SLA within
*                                        |           |                                              | subscription-manager
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> syspurpose_addons                      | string    | snt-subscription_manager_registration        | If set, sets the syspurpose addons within
*                                        |           |                                              | subscription-manager
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> additional_repositories                | string    | snt-subscription_manager_registration        | Additional repositories to enable to the already
*                                        |           |                                              | enabled within the activation key. Repositories
*                                        |           |                                              | have to be passed as comma-seperated string
*                                        |           |                                              | Example: 'repo1,repo2'
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> idm_ssh                                | boolean   | snt-idm_register                             | If false, disables sssd ssh integration with
*                                        |           |                                              | command line parameter --no-ssh
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: true
> idm_mkhomedir                          | boolean   | snt-idm_register                             | If false, disables the configuration of ssd for
*                                        |           |                                              | automatical creation of home
*                                        |           |                                              | directories (--mkhomedir will not be passed as
*                                        |           |                                              | argument)
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: true
> idm_opts                               | string    | snt-idm_register                             | If set, these additional command line parameters
*                                        |           |                                              | will be passed to the ipa-client-install command
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> remote_execution_ssh_user              | string    | snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys                | User for which remote_execution_ssh_keys will be
*                                        |           |                                              | authorized
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'satellite-remote'
> remote_execution_ssh_user_comment      | string    | snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys                | Comment to set for the user
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'RedHat Satellite Remote User'
> p-remote_execution_ssh_keys            | string    | snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys                | Public keys to be put in
*                                        |           |                                              | <ssh_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
*                                        |           |                                              | One key per line should be added
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> dns_alt_names                          | string    | snt-puppet                                   | If set, sets the alternative dns name in the
*                                        |           |                                              | Puppet configuration file
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> p-ks_debug_network                     | boolean   | snt-networking_setup_post_installation       | If true, writes networking information for
*                                        |           |                                              | debugging purposed to
*                                        |           |                                              | /root/network_during_installation.log
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> p-crypted_system_initial_passphrase    | string    | snt-luks_encryption                          | This passphrase was used to initially create the
*                                        |           |                                              | luks partition and within this snippet will be
*                                        |           |                                              | removed again
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Some Secret Password :)
> p-ansible_provisioning                 | boolean   | pvt-provisioning                             | Determines whether post provisioning with Ansible
*                                        |           |                                              | should be done
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: true
> p-ansible_host_config_key              | string    | snt-ansible_provisioning_callback_service    | Host config key to pass to the Ansible
*                                        |           |                                              | Automation Controller call
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: None
> p-ansible_job_template_id              | integer   | snt-ansible_provisioning_callback_service    | ID of the job template to trigger of the
*                                        |           |                                              | Ansible Automation Controller
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: None
> p-ansible_ssh_user                     | string    | snt-ansible_ssh_keys                         | User for which p-ansible_ssh_keys will be authorized
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'remote-ansible'
> p-ansible_ssh_user_comment             | string    | snt-ansible_ssh_keys                         | Comment to set for the user
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: 'Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Remote User'
> p-ansible_ssh_keys                     | string    | snt-ansible_ssh_keys                         | Public keys to be put in <ssh_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
*                                        |           |                                              | One key per line should be added
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> p-ansible_controller_host              | string    | snt-ansible_provisioning_callback_service    | Ansible Automation Controller Host
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset
> p-enable_fips_deployment               | boolean   | pvt-provisioning                             | Whether to enable FIPS mode
*                                        |           |                                              | Default: Unset

:information_source: Variables that have prefixed a p- are custom parameters of my Snippets or the Provisioning Template. Parameters without p- are parameters that are present in Red Hat’s default Kickstart.

The Provision Template also includes the exit codes of the %post section (should it fail) and the log files that are used during provisioning, which will be helpful when troubleshooting a failed installation:

exit codes:
0: Installation successfully finished
1: Unable to determine package manager to use
2: Unused
3: Host parameter 'p-encrypt_system' given (true), but unable to determine a single currently installed kernel and thus cannot decide which kernel version to use
4: Host parameter 'p-encrypt_system' given (true), but no Tang servers could be discovered using _tang._tcp.@host.domain
5: Host parameter 'p-encrypt_system' given (true), but not all Tang servers discovered via _tang._tcp.@host.domain were reachable
6: Host parameter 'p-encrypt_system' given (true), but it was discovered, that GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in file /etc/default/grub is empty
7: /var/log is not mounted
8: Realm is not set
9: Command 'dig' is not available
10: Unable to create directory /mnt/sysimage/var/log/journal
11: Unable to run command 'sync'

Note: These are only the *defined* exit codes! If a command exits with an error (exit code not equals zero) within the main %post section,
      this exit code will be used to exit the post installation.

log files:
> log file path                                         | description <
> /root/                      | Contains the log of the first post section without chroot, which basically copies only the
>                                                       | file /etc/resolv.conf from the host system to the chroot
> /root/                         | Contains the output of the "main" post section from the function write_output
> /root/                                | Contains stdout and stderr of the "main" post section
> /root/              | Contains the output from the post section, which makes journald logs persistent
> /root/                   | Contains the output of the post section, which notifies foreman about the finished build

%post section flow #

Since the %post section is the most complex one, let me walk you through it step by step.

Okay, actually there are multiple %post sections. Let’s focus on the one that does the heavy lifting (I’ll briefly explain the others later on):

%post --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/root/

For an initial overview, let’s start with a flow chart:

Initializes error handling

Configures host networking

Registers the system to the Satellite/Capsule&#59Determines if EPEL is activated in the AK

Configures /etc/ntp.conf &#40RHEL7&#41 or /etc/chrony.conf &#40RHEL8+&#41 with the bare minimum of options

Registers the system to the appropriate IdM

Creates the remote execution user and adds SSH keys to the user

Create a user for Ansible automation and adds SSH keys to the user

Enables EPEL again if it was found being enabled within the AK

Adds a clevis-luks bind to an already created LUKS partition

Contains the Ansible post provisioning script

Creates oneshot systemd service for Ansible post provisioning

Start %post












That’s quite a list, let’s go through them step by step.

Template: pvt-provision #

Before we dive into the Snippets, a couple of things happen in the Provision Template that are noteworthy.

First, we switch to TTY 3 so that we can actually see something during provisioning :grin:.

Moreover the following things happen (in between these steps various Snippets are run):

  • Import the GPG keys for RHEL to avoid an exit code of dnf and yum which signals an error (greater than 0)
  • Install some applications that I’d like to have on all of my systems (such as systat, tmux and vim-enhanced). I install them separately as they are in the RHEL AppStream repository and some time ago (I cannot recall in which RHEL minor and Satellite version exactly) it was not possible to enable more than one repository before Kickstart enters the %post section
  • Update all packages: That is important as we might have booted from an older RHEL minor release while the Content View might provide a later version of RHEL
  • Define __NTP_SERVER (more on that in snt-configure_time_synchronization)
  • Create the file ./autorelabel to force relabeling of SELinux contexts

.. and as mentioned it includes all the Snippets that we have seen in the flow chart in the %post section flow

Snippet: snt-post_provisioning_init #

This very first snippet is probably the most important one. It sets up a BASH exit trap and ensures that whenever any command fails, the provisioning fails as well (set -o errexit). Exiting should also happen if a pipe is used (|) and any command in the complete pipe fails (set -o pipefail). To avoid that variables are referenced without being defined (something BASH does not care about by default), it ensures that unset variables are treated as an error (set -o nounset). Lastly, all of that should also apply to sub-shells (set -o errtrace and set -o functrace).

Okay, but why all of that?

This procedure guarantees that every provisioning was successful. Not partially successful, but completely successful.

Of course, it requires that commands that are invoked ‘play nicely’ and exit with a proper exit code when they encounter an error.

It also has (as with everything) a downside: You need to ensure that every command you invoke, every sub-shell you spawn and every process you invoke needs to succeed. Otherwise the installation will terminate.

A good example of bad behavior is for instance subscription-manager. When you enable Simple Content Access (SCA) for your Satellite, you don’t need a subscription and thus Satellite clients have no subscription assigned. subscription-manager considers this to be an error and when it exits, it exits with an exit code that indicates an error.

So, how do you deal with a situation like this? Just let BASH know it’s okay if the process fails. See the following example:

subscription-manager register --name='<%= %>' --org='<%= subscription_manager_org %>' --activationkey='<%= activation_key %>' || true

The || is a logical OR operator that guarantees that the command does not fail. Everything that we put before the || will evaluate as true; Thus it is considered as succeeded.

Let me try to explain that a bit more ‘understandable’ :speak_no_evil:

Consider the following example code:

command1 || true

Using natural language this would translate to something like: “Run command1 but if that fails, don’t worry, it’s fine anyway.”

You can even do false || true and you’ll see with echo $? (which returns the last exit code) that BASH exited with 0 (which equals to true in BASH - unlike in every other language :see_no_evil: ).

Does that obsolete the use of the BASH options that have been implemented in the beginning?

Yes, absolutely. But only for this one command. I think it’s better to be 99% sure that a system has been deployed successfully, compared to close to 0% (when not using the aforementioned BASH options).

This ‘workaround’ can be used for every command you encounter that doesn’t ‘play nice’. But, remember, the more often you do it (maybe just to ‘make it work’) the less useful the BASH options are and with every use of || you can be less and less sure whether the system has really been deployed successfully.

Obviously, this is a very strict way of deploying systems. And one could argue even cumbersome. You can do a post provisioning check with your preferred automation tool after provisioning.

While that it is correct, I found my way more intuitive and more ‘fail-proof’, compared to a post provisioning check, as I can rule out e.g. DNS issues due to a failed IdM enrollment (which would render my post provisioning check useless, as I am unable to reach it via DNS).

Snippet: snt-networking_setup_post_installation #

Next up we have the Snippet snt-networking_setup_post_installation. It is derived from the Snippets that Red Hat ships by default:

  • kickstart_networking_setup
  • kickstart_ifcfg_get_identifier_names
  • kickstart_ifcfg_bond_interface
  • kickstart_ifcfg_bonded_interface
  • kickstart_ifcfg_generic_interface

I decided to put everything into one Snippet instead of splitting it out like Red Hat did. The original ones make sense, don’t get me wrong, but since I have it highly customized on my use case, I don’t need to split the Snippets as I don’t reuse them anywhere else. The splitting probably happened with the initial thought of: “I might be able to reuse it!”. For me this is not necessary and introduces more complexity when troubleshooting (you need to switch between different Snippets all the time), so I merged all of them.

Additionally, my customized version supports VLANs. Something that the original Snippets do not.

Further, I modified it in such a way, that the Snippet is actually readable (with a few comments added as well), as I find the original one is hard to read and thus hard to troubleshoot should you encounter issues.

Here is the thing: You can make Templates in Satellite with ERB readable in two ways. Either you indent the ERB code itself like so:

    # Loop 1.1: iterate over all managed slave interfaces of this bond
  <% @host.interfaces_with_identifier(bond.attached_devices_identifiers).each do |interface| -%>
    <% next if !interface.managed? -%>

    subnet = interface.subnet
    virtual = interface.virtual?
    vlan = virtual && (subnet.has_vlanid? || interface.vlanid.present?)
    alias_type = virtual && !subnet.nil? && !subnet.has_vlanid? && interface.identifier.include?(':')
    dhcp = !subnet.nil? && subnet.dhcp_boot_mode?

Or, you indent the code inside the ERB tags, like so:

<%- @host.bond_interfaces.each do |bond| -%>
<%-   bonding_interfaces.push(bond.identifier) -%>
<%=   "# #{bond.identifier} interface" %>

The difference is, that Ruby, well ERB, does not care about indentation inside the ERB tags (<%- -%>, <%= %>, etc.). This will result in a rendered file which has the beginning of each line at the very start without any spaces in front.

If you chose my method (which I find more readable), you’ll end up with a rendered file (after ERB was processed) that looks like this:



This sometimes is a problem for the application that makes use of the rendered file ultimately (in this case NetworkManager), but more important, makes it hard to troubleshoot after deployment.

To overcome situations like this, I simply use the following approach (within Kickstart):

  sed -i -E 's/^[[:space:]]+//g' "${file}"
  sed -i '/^$/d' "${file}"

The above sed commands will remove white spaces at the beginning (that happened due to indentation) and remove empty lines. Of course, this is an extra step that needs to be performed, during Kickstart. For me, though, the benefits outweigh the downsides of this. I can read and troubleshoot the Kickstart files in Satellite a lot better, as the indentation is simply correct.

Snippet: snt-subscription_manager_registration #

Next up is the Snippet snt-subscription_manager_registration. It is derived of redhat_register and has been overly simplified. It does not support an HTTP proxy, for instance, as I don’t need it.

The one specialty I’d like to point out is that it checks for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repositories and disables them right after registering with Satellite.

The responsible code Snippet is the following:

write_output "Trying to find out if EPEL is activated within the activation key <%= host_param('kt_activation_keys') %>" "INFO";
__ORGANIZATION_NAME="<%= @host.rhsm_organization_label %>"
__REPOSITORY_NAME="repo-epel-latest-el-<%= @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i %>"

write_output "Repository ID: ${__REPOSITORY_ID}" "INFO";

# Also it is worth to update subscription-manager at this moment
write_output "Updating subscription-manager" "INFO";
${__PACKAGE_MANAGER} ${__PACKAGE_MANAGER_ARGUMENTS} update subscription-manager


# go line-wise through enabled repositories
while read -r subscriptionInformationLine; do
    # we only care for repo ID and name
    if [[ ! "${subscriptionInformationLine^^}" =~ ^REPO[[:space:]]ID|NAME: ]]; then

    # both repo ID and name need to be found
    if [[ "${subscriptionInformationLine^^}" =~ ^REPO[[:space:]]ID:[[:space:]]+${__REPOSITORY_ID^^}$ ]]; then
    elif [[ "${subscriptionInformationLine^^}" =~ ^REPO[[:space:]]NAME:[[:space:]]+${__REPOSITORY_NAME^^}$ ]]; then
done < <(subscription-manager repos --list-enabled)

if [[ "${foundEpelRepositoryId}" -eq 0 ]] && [[ "${foundEpelRepositoryName}" -eq 0 ]]; then
    write_output "Found enabled EPEL repository, will disable it for now" "INFO";
    subscription-manager repos --disable "${__REPOSITORY_ID}"

You might have noticed that the __PRODUCT_NAME and __REPOSITORY_NAME is based on my naming concept for Satellite4. The definition of the __REPOSITORY_ID on the other hand is Satellite’s default for custom repositories and is not influenced by me in any way.

Now to the reason why this is important: There are situations where you’d like to have EPEL repositories enabled, but there is catch with that. EPEL often times contains more updated version of packages. This becomes an issue, when you mix and match the dependencies with packages from RHEL, as they are usually not meant to work with dependencies that have a newer version than what is shipped in RHEL (e.g. EPEL). To prevent issues right from the get-go, I disable EPEL before installing or updating any packages. After the provisioning has been done, the EPEL repository will be enabled again (that is done by the Snippet snt-enable_epel) if the EPEL repository is enabled within the Activation Key.

Snippet: snt-configure_time_synchronization #

The snippet snt-configure_time_synchronization has one job: Configuring the time synchronization either via NTPd (RHEL 7) or (RHEL 8 and above) chronyd. It deploys a minimalist configuration for either of the daemons to ensure that the time is correct before we register the system to Red Hat’s Identity Management (IdM). If the time deviates too much of the actual time, enrolling to IdM would fail (Microsoft Active Directory (AD) would refuse to add the system as well). This is because LDAP is (usually!) based on SSL and SSL needs to have correct date and time set otherwise it will not work properly.

The NTP server to use, however, is determined way earlier in the Kickstart process. It is gathered in pvt-provisioning with the following code:

declare -r __NTP_SERVER="$(dig +short _ntp._udp.<%= @host.domain -%> SRV | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\.$//')"

The above code snippet queries the DNS and asks for a service (SRV) record at This means that you need to have an SRV record for as otherwise the provisioning will fail (early in the Kickstart). Of course, you need to substitute with the domain the host is going to be provisioned.

To as why the NTP server is determined early in the Kickstart and not in this Snippet: In the beginning of the Kickstart (almost at start of the %post section), I determine everything that is required for the installation to proceed. Among these things is the NTP server. This is a benefit, because the installation will fail quicker and that way you save some time. :sunglasses:

Snippet: snt-idm_register #

The Snippet snt-idm_register is derived by Red Hat’s Snippet freeipa_register. It is basically the same, but with removed support for any RHEL version prior to RHEL 7.

It is important to note, that before we install the ipa-client we updated the system to the latest available version. It is important, because otherwise, we would install the latest available ipa-client on an older RHEL version, which can cause issues.

Moreover, the IdM documentation notes that installing the ipa-client on RHEL 8 should be done by enabling the respective module instead of installing the ipa-client:

dnf -y module install idm

Something, that is not part of the original Template. Maybe there is already a bug open for that which describes this issue or there might be a legitimate reason that it is done differently - I don’t know. I chose to use the way the IdM documentation outlines.

Snippets: snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys and snt-ansible_ssh_keys #

Both snt-remote_execution_ssh_keys and snt-ansible_ssh_keys are practically the same. Both create a local user and add the defined SSH keys to the user. That’s it, nothing special :slightly_smiling_face:

Snippet: snt-enable_epel #

This snippet is pretty simple as well. It enabled EPEL again, when it is enabled within the Activation Key.

Snippet: snt-luks_encryption #

This Snippet is entirely custom-made and based on the documentation of clevis luks bind. This Snippet provides the possibility to use Network Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE) and requires two installed and configured Tang servers (to have a backup Tang server should one die).

Snippets: snt-ansible_provisioning_callback_script and snt-ansible_provisioning_callback_service #

These last two Snippets place a script on the server and create a systemd service that launches a specific Job Template in Ansible Automation Platform. That Job Template would usually configure the system initially; That would typically be such tasks as applying hardening, etc. This systemd service only runs once and disables itself afterwards.

The different %post sections #

With the Provisioning Template pvt-provisioning I included multiple %post sections. We have discussed the one that does the heavy lifting above. But there are three more :grin:

They are defined as follows:

  1. %post --interpreter=/bin/bash --nochroot --log=/mnt/sysimage/root/
  2. %post --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/root/ - this is the one that we have been discussing
  3. %post --nochroot --log=/mnt/sysimage/root/
  4. %post --interpreter=/bin/bash --log=/root/

The %post sections are evaluated from top to bottom. Even if one of them exited with an error the remaining %post sections will be evaluated.

Let’s quickly talk about the different %post sections.

  1. The first %post section merely copies /etc/resolv.conf to the environment we are going to chroot into (/mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf) so that we are able to do DNS resolution.
  2. We have discussed the second %post section thoroughly.
  3. The third %post section specifies the option --nochroot. This option is necessary, as we need control over systemd (which is not possible when being in a chroot). In this %post section we ensure that we don’t lose any journald logs by making them persistent.
  4. This %post section is responsible for notifying the Satellite whether the installation went successful. It is determined that the installation failed when the file /tmp/installation.successful does not exist. The file /tmp/installation.successful is created as the very last step in the main %post section. As it is the last command that is executed in the main %post section, we can guarantee that the installation succeeded (due to the aforementioned BASH options).

PXELinux Templates #

Lastly, we need to talk about the two PXELinux Templates I have in my repository:

  • pvt-pxelinux
  • pvt-pxelinux_default_local_boot

Template: pvt-pxelinux #

This Template will render the options which are passed to our clients when they boot via PXE and the host has a build scheduled (build mode is set to true for the Host in Satellite). It doesn’t look like much, but if you look closely, I include a Snippet: snt-create_ip_config_string This Snippet is where the heavy lifting is done. It will generate all the networking parameters that are required. It is derived from the kickstart_kernel_options Template, but again, heavily stripped down on what I need. On top, it fully supports VLANs and bonding. At the time I created my Snippet, that didn’t work with the original one. In the meanwhile, the original one also provides this functionality :slightly_smiling_face:

Template: pvt-pxelinux_default_local_boot #

The Template pvt-pxelinux_default_local_boot is derived from PXELinux default local boot and contains only one change: I set the timeout to 3 seconds instead of the default 20 seconds. I just got tired of waiting.

Closing thoughts #

There is one Template we haven’t talked about: pvt-ipxe. It is included because some time ago I used it. I no longer do, but I didn’t want to throw it away, in case I would need it at some point. It was used to build Host/Full Host images and use those images to install my systems. I switched over to PXE - it is just much more convenient :slightly_smiling_face:

We have been discussing my way of Kickstarting in this blog post. There are virtually unlimited ways of doing the same thing but different to this approach.

Decide on your own, if such a highly customized Kickstart is worth the maintenance .. until next time :sunglasses:

Change log #

2025-01-23 #

  • Fixing dead documentation links for kickstarting RHEL

2024-03-11 #

  • markdownlint fixes
  • Spelling fixes

2024-03-09 #

  • markdownlint fixes

Footnotes #

  1. Typically, major changes to Kickstart are not introduced in a minor version of RHEL. This, however, is not guaranteed. 

  2. Read more about my definition of a service in Satellite 

  3. The section name Supported host parameters is actually a bit misleading. You can, of course, override the parameters on any level in Satellite (Global, Host Group, Host, etc.). 

  4. Red Hat Satellite Naming Concept