Preface #

This blog post does not follow the style of my previous blog posts. It is more or less a step by step manual on how to use my repository on GitHub to automate Red Hat Satellite using Ansible.

Further, a good understanding of Satellite and, more importantly, a good understanding of the concepts around Ansible is required. Especially variable precedence should be well known. Don’t get me wrong, it is still a step by step guide, but nevertheless, if you want to adjust this step by step guide to your infrastructure (which is likely that you’d want to do that :grin:), you need to understand the concepts around Ansible.

All variables we define are either host or group variables. This has the benefit that your inventory is not cluttered with variables, and additionally, this allows you to create different variables for each of your Satellite instances (if you have multiple). I use group variables only for variables that are required by all my Satellite instances.

Please note, only a fraction of the available variables are used for each role. Please make sure to check out each section’s documentation of the respective role for a complete list of available variables. Further, relevant documentation is also linked in each section that complements the respective steps that are done in Ansible if you’d like to know more about the general (manual) procedure.

In below sections I make heavy use of GitHub gists to show my personal configuration of the respective roles. You need to modify every gist so that it works for your environment. For this purpose, I documented (almost) every variable in the gists to ensure the usage is clear. Should something be not clear, please refer to the role documentation (that is linked in every section), which provides additional context as well as possibly other variables to use that make sense to use in your environment.

I tested all of this with Satellite 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14. It should work the same for other Satellite versions, but I cannot guarantee it.

:information_source: Just as a general information: Variables that are prefixed with satellite_ are ‘official’ role variables of the roles we are going to use. Variables prefixed with sat_ are custom variables (which usually get merged into a satellite_ variable eventually).

:information_source: I am going to use ansible-playbook in this blog post and will thus install all required collections and roles as the current user. Of course, you can also make use of ansible-navigator with an Execution Environment that contains the collections and roles which are defined in collections/requirements.yml. This blog post won’t cover the procedure of how to do that, however.

:information_source: You need to be a Red Hat subscriber in order to follow this blog post. If you are not, you can use a no-cost Red Hat Developer Subscription, which includes the Ansible Automation Platform subscription (required for the certified collections) and the Satellite Infrastructure subscription. Of course, you could also use the upstream projects (e.g. Foreman/Katello) and upstream collections (e.g. theforeman.foreman) to follow along, but for that you need to adjust every playbook (and not ‘just’ the GitHub gists) and it might not work at all, as I haven’t tested it.

Prerequisites #

  1. You need a host that will run Ansible and carry out the automation.

    :information_source: This has been tested on:

    • RHEL 8.7 and Ansible Core 2.14.6
    • RHEL 8.8 and Ansible Core 2.15.4
    • RHEL 8.9 and Ansible Core 2.15.4
    • RHEL 9.2 and Ansible Core 2.14.2
    • RHEL 9.3 and Ansible Core 2.14.2

    :warning: RHEL 7 is not going to work for this purpose, as only Ansible Engine 2.9 can (officially) be installed on it (which is too old for most - if not all - collections we are going to use).

  2. Login to the host you’ll be using to carry out the automation via SSH. Install git, check out my repository and change to the directory that has been created with the git clone command:

     $ sudo dnf install -y git
     $ git clone
     $ cd ansible_satellite

  3. Configure Ansible that it’ll be able to download Red Hat’s Ansible Certified Content Collections that are needed for the playbooks to work from either your local Automation Hub or from Red Hat’s Automation Hub. If you don’t know how to do either of those things, please useRed Hat’s documentation that explains how to connect to Red Hat’s Automation Hub. Place your Ansible configuration file either in the directory you checked out (ansible_satellite) as ansible.cfg or in your home directory with a prefixed dot: ~/.ansible.cfg.

    Your Ansible configuration file will look similar to the example below:

     server_list = automation-hub,galaxy
  4. Install the required collections:
     $ ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections/requirements.yml

  5. Install the required roles:
     $ ansible-galaxy role install -r collections/requirements.yml

  6. Create a Manifest for Satellite - we are going to import it at a later point. If you don’t know how to do it, please follow Red Hat’s blog that explains very well how to create a Manifest.
  7. Put the Manifest UUID in host_vars/<hostname>/00a_secrets.yml. As mentioned before, we are going to need it at a later point.
  8. Optional (but highly encouraged!): You can create a Vault password file file to pass it to ansible-playbook via --vault-pass-file. I named mine .vault.pass and added it to my .gitignore file to ensure it is not accidentally pushed to the repository. As you are going to need the Vault for every playbook of my repository, it is handy to have a Vault password file - unless you chose to not encrypt your secrets (highly discouraged!).

    :information_source: If you are not familiar with Ansible Vault, please read up on it and don’t store your secrets in plain text in your variables files. It is really super easy to get started with Ansible Vault, I promise :slightly_smiling_face:!

Install Satellite server #

The very first step is to install the RHEL 8 host that will be our Satellite eventually.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 rhel_iso_kickstart
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/00_kickstart.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 00_create_kickstart.yml

Procedure #

  1. Adjust the included Kickstart (files/satellite.ks) to your liking.
  2. Adjust the variables for the role rhel_iso_kickstart

    :information_source: In my case, I am going to run the role rhel_iso_kickstart on localhost (as I want to have the ISO downloaded and built on my machine), so the host_vars have to be placed in the directory host_vars/localhost/. I have chosen to place them in the file 00_kickstart.yml inside that directory.

    :information_source: Make sure to read the of my role rhel_iso_kickstart to fully understand all variables.

  3. Run the playbook that will download the specified RHEL ISO and build a custom RHEL ISO containing the specified Kickstart file:
     $ ansible-playbook 00_create_kickstart.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  4. Copy the resulting ISO file to your hypervisor and mount it to your virtual machine that should become the Satellite.
  5. Start the virtual machine and wait for the installation to finish.
  6. Once the installation finished, shutdown the virtual machine and unmount the ISO.

    :information_source: If you used the provided Kickstart, the virtual machine will shut down after the Kickstart finished.

Prepare Satellite for Ansible access #

Now that we have successfully installed our RHEL 8 system, we need to ensure that Ansible can access the system and elevate its privileges.

Procedure #

  1. Login via SSH to the new virtual machine using root as username and the root password you defined in 00_kickstart.yml

    :information_source: This step assumes that you have not already created a local user (other than root, of course) on the Satellite server. If you already created a local user as part of the Kickstart (or other means), please ensure that the user has privileged access; You can skip step 2 and 3.

  2. Create a new user for Ansible, e.g. ansible-provisioning.
  3. Either set a password for ansible-provisioning or deploy your SSH key to the created user.
  4. Ensure you add the user to the group %wheel so that you can elevate the privileges of the user.
  5. Add the virtual machine host to the inventory file. Below you’ll find an example:

     $ cat inventory ansible_user=ansible-provisioning ansible_port=22
  6. Ensure that your access to the virtual machine is working properly:

     $ ansible --become -m ping -i inventory all | SUCCESS => {
         "ansible_facts": {
             "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
         "changed": false,
         "ping": "pong"

Registering the system to the Red Hat Customer Portal and installing Red Hat Satellite #

Now it’s time to register our RHEL system to the Red Hat Customer Portal. Please ensure that the host ends up with a Satellite Infrastructure subscription (or equivalent) as, otherwise, the Red Hat Satellite repositories cannot be found.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc
2 redhat.satellite_operations.installer
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/00b_register_satellite.yml

# Playbook/s used
1 01_register_satellite.yml
2 02_satellite_installer.yml

:information_source: The variable file where we put our secrets in (host_vars/<hostname>/00a_secrets.yml) is used in almost all roles and playbooks, and thus it isn’t added to the table above as it would need to be included in all further tables.

Procedure #

  1. Define your secrets in host_vars/<hostname>/00a_secrets.yml, please see below for an example.

    :information_source: Not all variables are needed right away, but it makes sense to define all of them at once. Please read the comments in the GitHub gist below.

  2. Define the variables for the RHEL system role redhat.rhel_system_roles.rhc, please find below an example of my variables file (host_vars/<hostname>/00b_register_satellite.yml):

    :information_source: If you want to install a different Satellite version than 6.14, you need to adjust the variable rhc_repositories to enable the proper repositories for the desired Satellite version.

  3. Run the playbook that registers your Satellite system to the Red Hat Content Delivery Network (RHCDN):
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 01_register_satellite.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  4. Next, we’ll define the variables for the Satellite Installer role redhat.satellite_operations.installer. I have split the variables in three files:
    1. host_vars/<hostname>/01a_satellite_installer_certificates.yml: Contains variables with regards to certificates

      :warning: When generating certificates for your Satellite, remember to set the correct keyUsage and extendedKeyUsage2.

    2. host_vars/<hostname>/01b_satellite_firewall_rules.yml: Contains the ports to open on the Satellite

      :warning: Above firewall rules are specific to my use case. You need to adapt these based on the Satellite documentation and your used features (such as TFTP, DHCP, DNS, etc.).

    3. host_vars/<hostname>/01c_satellite_installer_configuration.yml: Contains all other variables for the role redhat.satellite_operations.installer

      :warning: If you are not planning to use certificates, please remove the certificate installer options from above example (--certs-server-cert, --certs-server-key, --certs-server-ca-cert). Don’t worry, the Satellite installer will create self-signed certificates. The certificate options are meant for implementing custom SSL certificates that have been signed by your internal certificate authority.

  5. Run the playbook to upgrade your system to the latest version (required) and install Satellite:

    :warning: This will reboot your Satellite to ensure the latest kernel is applied (as per the Satellite documentation).

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 02_satellite_installer.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  6. Verify that you can login to your Satellite instance once the playbook finished
  7. Shutdown the virtual machine and take a snapshot so you can roll back to this point when you encounter any issues later on

Define general variables #

Documentation #

  • Satellite Collection Common Role Variables

    :information_source: The upstream common role variables are not used downstream in the Satellite collection. All foreman_ variables can be substituted with satellite_, e.g. foreman_url -> satellite_url

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 Used in almost all roles
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/02_general.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 Used in almost all playbooks

Procedure #

  1. With this, we define variables that are reused multiple times. To avoid duplication, it is good to define them once. Please see below an example of my definition:

    :warning: If you know that your Linux host is slow in synchronizing the Repositories or publishing and promoting (Composite) Content Views (due to e.g. slow storage), consider significantly raising the value of sat_repository_sync_retries, sat_content_view_publish_retries and sat_composite_content_view_publish_retries, as otherwise the respective tasks (and thus the playbook) will fail. The status is checked every 3 seconds, so the time is (roughly) calculated as 3 * number_of_retries. In this case it would be 3 * 3600 = 10800 seconds = 180 minutes = 3 hours.

Optional: Configure Satellite’s Cloud Connector #

:information_source: This step is entirely optional, as it merely configures Satellite’s Cloud Connector.

:warning: Please make sure that you really want to have the Cloud Connector enabled. The Cloud Connector allows Red Hat Insights to run remediation on your Satellite from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite_operations.cloud_connector
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/03_cloud_connector.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 03_satellite_cloud_connector.yml
  1. Define the variables for the role redhat.satellite_operations.cloud_connector. Please see an example below:
  2. Run the playbook to configure Satellite’s Cloud Connector:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 03_satellite_cloud_connector.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Importing a Manifest #

Next up, we are going to import a Manifest into our Satellite. I have configured the role redhat.satellite.manifest to first download a Manifest from the Red Hat Customer Portal and then upload it to my Satellite. If you are doing the same, please ensure that you set the correct Manifest UUID in satellite_manifest_uuid, as well as the satellite_rhsm_username and satellite_rhsm_password. (as described in Registering the system to the Red Hat Customer Portal and installing Red Hat Satellite).

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.manifest
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/04_manifest.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 04_satellite_manifest.yml
  1. Adjust the variables for this step in host_vars/<hostname>/04_manifest.yml, please see below for an example:
  2. Run the playbook to download the manifest and import it to your Satellite:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 04_satellite_manifest.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Creating Content Credentials for custom Products #

Before creating custom Products and repositories, we need to create the custom Content Credentials. This is required, as we are going to use those Content Credentials to ensure that the content we retrieve is retrieved without any modification (through a malicious actor for instance). This is only required for 3rd-party repositories, as Red Hat repositories are validated by default.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.content_credentials
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/05_content_credentials.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 05_satellite_content_credentials.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the required Content Credentials for any custom Product in host_vars/<hostname>/05_content_credentials.yml. Please see an example of my Content Credentials below:

  2. Run the playbook to create the Content Credentials:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 05_satellite_content_credentials.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Enabling Red Hat Repositories, creating custom Products and Repositories and synchronize the Repositories #

Now that we have created the Content Credentials for our custom Products, we can start creating the custom Products and their containing Repositories. Further, we are going to enable the official Red Hat Repositories that we require. Conveniently, this can all be done by one role, so we are doing it in one go.

Since we do a couple of things with one role, I decided to split up my variables into Custom Products (host_vars/<hostname>/06a_products.yml) and Red Hat Products (host_vars/<hostname>/06a_products.yml). Lastly, we combine the two definitions into one variable which is stored as satellite_repositories: That is the variable the role redhat.satellite.repositories requires.

:information_source: Unfortunately, this step requires an already installed Satellite. I am not aware of any other method of finding out the Product and Repository names. If you know another way, kindly let me know in the comments below.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.repositories
# Variable definition file/s

# Playbook/s used
1 06_satellite_products_and_repositories.yml
1 07_satellite_sync_repositories.yml

Procedure #

  1. Finding out Red Hat Repository and Product names

    This step requires an already installed Satellite (to my knowledge), because you need to find out two things:

    • The Product name a Repository is tied to
    • The Repository name itself

    The Repository and Product names can be found out via the following procedure:

    1. Satellite WebUI -> Content -> Red Hat Repositories
    2. Click on Filter by Product and select a Product, e.g. Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 (this is the Product Name to use)
    3. Select the appropriate “Type” (right hand side to the Filter by Product drop-down), e.g. RPM for RPM repositories, Kickstart for Kickstart repositories
    4. Either scroll through the Available Repositories or narrow the list further down using the search bar at the top
    5. The search lists contains the Repository Name to use
    6. Each Repository has a arrow an the left hand side. When clicking on it, it reveals two things:
      • The architecture (e.g. x86_64)
      • The release (which is optional and thus not available for every repository), (e.g. 8, 8.7, etc.)
  2. Define the Red Hat Repositories and Products in host_vars/<hostname>/06a_products.yml

    :warning: The Kickstart Repositories are set to the download_policy immediate as having them set to on_demand is known to cause issues during provisioning.

    :warning: I recommend setting the download_policy to immediate on custom upstream repositories, as usually the upstream repositories do not keep all versions of an RPM, which will cause issues if a client tries to install an older version. Red Hat keeps all RPMs in their respective repositories, that’s why it is not required to set them on immediate.

  3. Define the custom Products and their containing Repositories in host_vars/<hostname>/06b_custom_products.yml
  4. The two definition will be merged in host_vars/<hostname>/06c_combined_products.yml
  5. Run the playbook to enable and/or create the custom Products and Repositories
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 06_satellite_products_and_repositories.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  6. Run the playbook to synchronize the Repositories (both custom and Red Hat)

    :information_source: This might take a while.

    :warning: If you’d like to follow along with the blog post, you have to run this step, as otherwise the Content Views will be empty!

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 07_satellite_sync_repositories.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Sync Plans #

To ensure our content is kept up to date, we are going to create Sync Plans in the next step.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.sync_plans
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/07_sync_plans.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 08_satellite_sync_plans.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Sync Plans in host_vars/<hostname>/07_sync_plans.yml

    :information_source: I am reusing the definition of the Products we have done earlier to map all products to one Sync Plan.

  2. Run the playbook to create the Sync Plans:

     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 08_satellite_sync_plans.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Lifecycle Environments #

When it comes to Lifecycle Environments I have a very simple use case. I have two Lifecycle Environments and that’s it. Your use case might be much more complex, but the example below should get you up to speed quickly.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.lifecycle_environments
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/08_lifecycle_environments.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 09_satellite_lifecycle_environments.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Lifecycle Environment in host_vars/<hostname>/08_lifecycle_environments.yml. Please see below for an example:
  2. Run the playbook to create the Lifecycle Environments:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 09_satellite_lifecycle_environments.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Domains #

This one is super easy for my use case as well. I have exactly one Domain I am using internally for my lab environment: Since this is conveniently also the value of the initial Domain I have specified, I am just reusing it. Your use case might be much more complex; This example can easily be extended.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/09_domains.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 10_satellite_domains.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Domains in host_vars/<hostname>/09_domains.yml
  2. Run the playbook to create the Domains:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 10_satellite_domains.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Subnets #

When it comes to Subnets it’s the same as for the Domains: I have a super easy use case. One Subnet. That’s it :grin:

Again, your use case might be much, much more complex, but the example below should get you up to speed quickly.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.subnets
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/10_subnets.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 11_satellite_subnets.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Subnets in host_vars/<hostname>/10_subnets.yml
  2. Run the playbook to create the Subnets:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 11_satellite_subnets.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Define the (Composite) Content Views and publish and promote them #

We are now going to automate one of the more complex things: Content Views and Composite Content Views. Since Composite Content Views will contain components (which are Content View Versions), they are dependent on the Content Views being present at the time we are going to create the Composite Content Views. So, the order really matters!

As the order matters, I am splitting again the Content Views in the host_vars in to several files:

  1. host_vars/<hostname>/11a_content_views_custom_products.yml: Contains Content Views with Custom Products we have created earlier
  2. host_vars/<hostname>/11b_content_views.yml: Contains Content Views which use official Red Hat Products
  3. host_vars/<hostname>/11c_composite_content_views.yml: Contains Composite Content Views (which depend on the creation of the earlier defined Content Views)
  4. host_vars/<hostname>/11d_combined_content_views.yml: Lastly, I merge the definitions of the aforementioned (Composite) Content Views into one variable, which is used by the role redhat.satellite.content_views: satellite_content_views

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.content_views
# Variable definition file/s

# Playbook/s used
1 12_satellite_content_views.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Content Views with custom Products in host_vars/<hostname>/11a_content_views_custom_products.yml
  2. Define the Content Views with Red Hat Products in host_vars/<hostname>/11b_content_views.yml
  3. Define the Composite Content Views in host_vars/<hostname>/11c_composite_content_views.yml
  4. The definitions of 1. to 3. will be merged in host_vars/<hostname>/11d_combined_content_views.yml
  5. Run the playbook to create the (Composite) Content Views:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 12_satellite_content_views.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  6. Run the playbook to publish and promote the (Composite) Content Views
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 13_satellite_content_view_publish.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Apply Satellite settings and enable Template Synchronization #

We need to apply some settings in Satellite, as the Operating System definitions depend on Provision Templates that have to be imported prior to defining the Operating Systems. The Host Groups and the Activation Keys (which we still need to create) rely on the definitions of the Operating System, thus we need to start with importing the Templates.

I make use of Satellite’s TemplateSync Plug-in which allows us to import Templates from a Source Code Management (SCM) tool (such as GitHub or Git Lab). TemplateSync will also assign the Templates to the correct Operating System, Organization and Location, if the required metadata is present in the Template’s header.

Again, I have split my variables into several files to not have one very large confusing file. I named the files like the tabs in the Satellite Web UI -> Administer -> Settings.

This chapter essentially covers two steps:

  1. Set specific settings in the Satellite, especially the Template Sync settings. But since we are on it, I’ll define all settings right away to spare me some time.
  2. Run the Template Sync to import the Templates of my Kickstart Repository on GitHub. The playbook will perform the steps that are required to synchronize Templates from git. Please review them prior to running the playbook (15_satellite_template_sync.yml).

    :warning: You obviously have to either fork my Satellite template repository or create your own GitHub repository with your Templates to be able to create a GitHub Token (which will be done in this chapter).

    :information_source: Unfortunately, there is no role to configure and run the Template Sync. This will be done by a custom playbook I have written and importing the Templates using the Satellite API. It is a playbook, as I didn’t see the need to create a role for such a basic task.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

:information_source: 12a_settings_template_sync.yml is added twice, as both playbooks make use of it.

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.settings
2 N/A
# Variable definition file/s

# Playbook/s used
1 14_satellite_settings.yml
2 15_satellite_template_sync.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Satellite settings in our variables files:
    1. Tab Template Sync: Variables file: 12a_settings_template_sync.yml:
    2. Tab Provisioning: Variables file: 12b_settings_provisioning.yml:
    3. Tab Remote Execution: Variables file: 12c_settings_remote_execution.yml:
    4. Tab RH Cloud: Variables file: 12d_settings_rh_cloud.yml:
    5. Tab General: Variables file: 12e_settings_general.yml
    6. Tab Notifications: Variables file: 12f_settings_notifications.yml
    7. All settings are merged into one variable (satellite_settings) which is the variable that is used by the role redhat.satellite.settings in the file 12g_merge_settings.yml:
  2. Run the playbook to apply the settings:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 14_satellite_settings.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

  3. Create a (Fine Grained) Personal Access Token in GitHub with the following permissions (at least):

    • Administration: Read and Write (to deploy the SSH key from the Foreman user that performs the Template Synchronization)
    • Contents: Read-only
    • Metadata: Read-only

    :warning: Of course, you can deploy the SSH key manually and modify the playbook that configures the Template Sync (15_satellite_template_sync.yml) to not deploy the SSH key to GitHub if you are uncomfortable with creating a GitHub Access Token that has the Administration option set

  4. Define the GitHub settings for the Template Sync in group_vars/all/github.yml
  5. Run the playbook to configure the Template Sync and synchronize the Templates:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 15_satellite_template_sync.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Operating Systems #

Since the Templates are now imported, we can start creating the Operating Systems and assign the imported Templates to them.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.operatingsystems
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/13_operating_systems.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 16_satellite_operating_systems.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Operating Systems in host_vars/<hostname>/13_operating_systems.yml:
  2. Run the playbook to create and configure the Operating Systems:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 16_satellite_operating_systems.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Activation Keys #

Creating Activation Keys is now possible, as we can refer to the Operating Systems that we created in the prior chapter.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.activation_keys
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/14_activation_keys.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 17_satellite_activation_keys.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Activation Keys in host_vars/<hostname>/14_activation_keys.yml
  2. Run the playbook to create the Activation Keys:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 17_satellite_activation_keys.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Host Groups #

Almost done! :sunglasses:

As our second to last step, we are going to create the Host Groups. Since I have applied my Satellite 6 concept for Host Groups, I have split the Host Groups into multiple files.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 redhat.satellite.hostgroups
# Variable definition file/s

# Playbook/s used
1 18_satellite_host_groups.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Host Groups
    1. Base and Operating System level Host Groups: host_vars/<hostname>/15a_host_groups_base.yml
    2. Service level Host Groups: host_vars/<hostname>/15b_host_groups_services.yml
    3. Lifecycle Environment level Host Groups: host_vars/<hostname>/15c_host_groups_lifecycle_environments.yml
    4. Finally, merge all Host Groups into the required variable satellite_hostgroups for the role redhat.satellite.hostgroups; That is done in the file host_vars/<hostname>/15d_host_groups_merged.yml
  2. Run the playbook to create the Host Groups:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 18_satellite_host_groups.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Create Global Parameters #

Now on the the Global Parameters. I will define some Global Parameters that are specific to my use case, which my Provisioning Templates make use of as well as override some default Parameters. My parameters are denoted with a prefixed p-. All Parameters which do not have that prefix are Parameters that are present by default.

Once again, I split up my variables into separate files to not have a big clunky file that is unmaintainable. :grin:

:information_source: Unfortunately, there is no role available that creates Global Parameters, but there is a module available which we can use: redhat.satellite.global_parameter.

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 N/A
# Variable definition file/s

# Playbook/s used
1 19_satellite_global_parameters.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the Global Parameters
    1. Global Parameters for Ansible post provisioning: host_vars/<hostname>/16a_global_parameters_ansible_provisioning.yml
    2. Global Parameters for Remote Execution: host_vars/<hostname>/16b_global_parameters_remote_execution.yml
    3. General Global Parameters: host_vars/<hostname>/16c_global_parameters_general.yml
    4. Merge all Global Parameters: host_vars/<hostname>/16d_merge_global_parameters.yml
  2. Run the playbook to create the Global Parameters:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 19_satellite_global_parameters.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Optional: Enable and import OpenSCAP content #

If you are looking to ensure compliance on your hosts using OpenSCAP, this chapter will be for you. Here is the thing: Satellite comes already preloaded with some OpenSCAP content. I have written a playbook that will accommodate the two scenarios. Whether you are looking to only enable the default OpenSCAP content or if you want to import custom OpenSCAP content, you can use this playbook.

Why writing a custom playbook and not make use of the module satellite.scap_content? First of all, I haven’t been able to make the module work with validate_certs: true. I have created a GitHub issue that hasn’t been resolved yet (due to the lack of interaction on my end). Secondly, I simply haven’t come around to build a role of it. I probably will eventually do - but then again it makes no sense, as there is already a module that’s supposed to work, which would make the role practically obsolete.

Nevertheless, for the time being you can use the playbook :sunglasses:

Documentation #

Roles, variables files and playbooks #

:information_source: The tables below can be mapped through the numbering column (#).1

# Role/s used
1 N/A
# Variable definition file/s
1 host_vars/<hostname>/17_openscap.yml
# Playbook/s used
1 20_satellite_openscap.yml

Procedure #

  1. Define the variables for OpenSCAP
  2. Run the playbook to create the OpenSCAP content, enable the default OpenSCAP content and enable the Foreman OpenSCAP role:
     $ ansible-playbook -i inventory 20_satellite_openscap.yml --vault-pass-file .vault.pass

Closing thoughts #

This concludes this blog post. There are way more things you can do with Red Hat’s Certified Ansible Collection for Red Hat Satellite and I highly encourage you to explore the possibilities. I haven’t touch on things as Compute Resources or Host Collections and many more things you could theoretically make use of with your specific use case.

There are still a few things left to do! I either update this blog post or might create new blog posts about the topics. The topics that I’d like to touch in the future are:

  • Adding Capsules
  • Create Hosts in Satellite
  • Create and assign OpenSCAP policies, as well as OpenSCAP tailoring files
  • Figure out a way to make it easier to find out the Product and Repository labels
  • Maybe convert the OpenSCAP playbook into a role

BUT don’t hold your breath on those topics. I have other blogs that I’d like to write, but I’ll surely revisit this blog in the future.

I hope this blog post was helpful to some of you :sunglasses:

.. until next time,


Change log #

2025-01-23 #

  • Fixing dead Kickstart reference documentation

2024-03-17 #

  • Spelling fixes (thanks @ls7ls7!)
  • Updating documentation to point to the latest available (thanks @ls7ls7!)

2024-03-11 #

  • markdownlint fixes
  • Spelling fixes

2024-03-09 #

  • markdownlint fixes
  • Typo fixes
  • Adding a note that RHEL 8.8 and RHEL 8.9 with Ansible Core 2.15.4 has been tested
  • Adding a note that this has been tested on Satellite 6.13 and Satellite 6.14

Footnotes #

  1. All tables in the Roles, variables files and playbooks section are set up in a way that helps to easily identify which role uses which variable files and which playbooks. For example, the role that is used in #1 in the first table (Role/s used), makes use of the variables that are defined in table Variable definition file/s in column #1 and is executed with the playbook that is defined in the table Playbook/s used in column #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  2. “ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE” while accessing Red Hat Satellite WebUI after configure custom SSL certificates